"It’s normal."
No. It really isn't.
Did you know that France has passed a law making it illegal for employers to contact staff outside of work hours?
Did you know that Americans pay twice as much as the nearest developed nation for any healthcare that they receive. That's both in direct costs and in the proportion of their tax that goes to healthcare. And then there are those that support the healthcare system with their taxes but can't afford to use it themselves. In other words, all people in developed countries get similar healthcare to Americans for less than 50% of the cost.
You are justifying a rapacious wage-slave system for which there is no justification. The difference is that millennials recognize that, whilst you're (apparently) prepapred to perpetuate it.
Society is supposed to be about human dignity; the opportunity to work, engage in pleasurable (social, intellectual and leisure) activities and sleep. Sacrificing pleasure and sleep in order to work in order to pay for reduced hours of pleasure and sleep does not make sense and never has.